
Saturday, May 1, 2021

May SNSO: DUNE: Adventures in the Imperium!

Join us for a landmark adventure into the newest RPG to take on Frank Herbert's science fiction classic. The grandfather of modern space opera: DUNE. It's time to wear your stillsuit like the Fremen do and call the great Shai-Hulud! Remember: Whomever "controls the spice, controls the universe!"

Saturday, May 15 at 6:00 pm

Note: If you've played Modiphius' 2d20 Star Trek Adventures or John Carter of Mars RPGs you already know the basics! 

DUNE: Adventures in the Imperium

Arrakis. Dune. Desert planet. It awaits you! 

GM: John Till
Game system: DUNE: Adventures in the Imperium
Chat platform: Zoom
MISSION: Fear is the mind-killer, but the spice must flow." Are you brave enough to step into the the mind-blowing space opera universe of Dune? Join us for our first roleplaying adventure of many on the desert planet of Arrakis. 

SNSO Online Games Primer

Once you sign up, kindly read upon our online gaming FAQ and be familiar with how we're running games these days (tips hat). All games begin at the same time, so you may only choose one.