
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Oct. SNSO: Hidden Horror in the Stars!

The terrors of the multiverse are unleashed in this month's adventures--just in time for Halloween! Choose from two chilling scenarios and face the void of outer space! One is a Cthulhu-inspired cosmic horror with a twist! The other is a ghastly ghost story set on the moon! Choose carefully!

Saturday, October 10 at 6:00 pm

ECLIPSE PHASE: Sideways Squad!

GM: Jeff Conrad
Game system: Eclipse Phase (First Ed.) - Posthuman Studios
Chat platform: Zoom
Your Firewall team's snoop mission deep inside the Jovian Republic went bad, real bad, and you've woken up a year later in the Hamilton cylinder Xiphos. Your shells are custom biomorphs bearing squid-like faces that terrify every Ultimate you meet. Will you succumb to the hunger for a lifestyle on carrion diet, or get off-station to the resleeving facilities in Chat Noir on Oberon?   


GM: Adam Hall
Game system: Electric Bastionland
Chat platform: Zoom
NOTE: This game include character creation, led by GM. It features a rules-lite approach with "ridiculously quick character generation." This game is set on THE FREAKIN MOON.
A failed career and a mountain of debt have driven you to try your hand at treasure hunting, and a truly special prize awaits anyone who can survive the horrors on the surface of the Moon! Do you and your fellow debtors have the wits to navigate the abandoned lunar amusement park you find there? The moxie to outsmart the rival treasure hunters hot on your trail? Or the spine to face the murderous apparition hidden within the silver mists? 

SNSO Online Games Primer

Once you sign up, kindly read upon our online gaming FAQ and be familiar with how we're running games these days (tips hat).