
Monday, May 25, 2020

JUNE SNSO: Sword and Planet Adventures!

Summer is JUST ABOUT here and we've got a plethora of planetary escapism! Games are always free and you don't need anything to play. Newbies and veterans alike are encouraged to sign up!

Games fill up fast so set your sights on these science fantasy epics and sign up now!

Saturday, June 13 at 6:00 pm

Leading the way is John Carter of Mars, the classic tales by Edgar Rice Burroughs re-spun into a fantastic roleplaying game!

JOHN CARTER OF MARS: The Sand Sargasso of Mars

GM: John Till
Game system: John Carter of Mars from Modiphius
Chat platform: Zoom
On your way back to the Twin Cities of Helium from overthrowing the terrible tyrant of the City-State of Amhor, your flyer crashes in the desert amidst the ruins of numerous flyers that fell in a terrible ancient battle.  Can you find the parts you need to get back in the air? Are their treasures to find among the wrecked sky ships? And what is rumbling within the ruins?   

More futuristic fantasy...
GM Leo has cooked up something special with an original adventure for Masters of Umdaar, a setting  that pays tribute to themes like Masters of the Universe. And check out the art he illustrated for the game!

MASTERS OF UMDAAR: Have (Lo)Gun - Will Travel

GM: Leo Winstead
Game system: FATE Accelerated by Evil Hat Productions
Chat platform: Zoom
An evil master seeks the Gurn, a powerful relic of the ancients.  The cyborg creation of a mad inventor roams the desert, leaving a trail of misfortune in its wake. The cyborg holds the key to unlocking the relic's power.  It's up to the PCs to prevent the relic from falling in the wrong hands. 

Must Read: SNSO Online Games Primer
Before you beam up to our Zoom rooms, you'll need to read and be familiar with how we're running games these days. Check out our online gaming FAQ!

More games to come, watch this page for upcoming events!

Friday, May 8, 2020

MAY SNSO: Star Trek, Space Elves, and Traveller!

We're back with a bevy of interstellar adventure to keep you energized in quarantine! Check out what we've got in store over the next two weekends...

Saturday, May 16 at 6:00 pm

First up is a Star Trek Adventures session from March that we're finally getting into warp speed.

Star Trek Adventures: The Search for Spock 2 - A (Re)Animated Adventure

GM: John Till
Game system: Star Trek Adventures from Modiphius
Chat platform: Zoom
Whatever happened to Spock 2, that giant clone of the galaxy's most famous Vulcan? Do flying plant pterodactyls actually exist, or is this another one of Captain Kirk's unverifiable claims? The crew of the U.S.S. Infinity head to the planet Phylos to continue their investigations into the legendary fourth-year missions of the U.S.S. Enterprise (i.e., the Animated Series).   

Also that night, Jen runs an adapted version of an original scifi adventure for AFF that she says is "elves in space with an acid-fantasy twist!"

Advanced Fighting Fantasy: Stars Above As Below

GM: Jenifer Doll
Game system: Advanced Fighting Fantasy (2nd Ed.)
Chat platform: Zoom
Negotiating with the Demondrive of your ship is difficult at the best of times. Far more so now that an astral spider has knocked you out of the Etherstream and left you adrift in an unfamiliar starfield, near a strangely compelling Terra-like planet... 

Saturday, May 23 at 5:30 pm 

The following weekend, Matt is taking you grunts back into space on a Traveller adventure!

Traveller: Across the Bright Face

GM: Matt Towle
Game system: Traveller from Mongoose Publishing (2nd Ed.)
Chat platform: Zoom
It started like any job. Your band of mercs provided security for your patron as she visited the mining facilities on Dinom. The eccentric orbit of the planet means you stayed in the habitable Twilight Band, neither boiling hot, nor frozen solid. What disaster compels you now to leave that safety behind and venture ACROSS THE BRIGHT FACE?

Must Read: SNSO Online Games Primer

Before you beam up to our Zoom rooms, you'll need to read and be familiar with how we're running games these days. Check out our online gaming FAQ!