
Sunday, April 12, 2020

We're back! SNSO Games Arrive Online!

We took a hiatus, but we're back! Oh boy, has it been a month. When did real life turn into the plot of a B-grade science fiction movie? (Hey, we know a thing or two about those!). So life with COVID-19 isn't so great, but maybe we can make the Stay At Home order a little less maddening...

GREAT NEWS: We're hosting our first SNSO game online! 
We've asked GM Erik to polish up the Star Trek game he was going to run in March and he's agreed to take us to warp THIS SATURDAY!

Now, this is a bit of test for us tabletop GMs. So just to be clear, there are a few ground rules:

1. This is a local event. We're still dedicated to serving our local community, so all the players need to be from the Twin Cities metro. We may expand at a later time, but for right now, we're sticking to our core mission of running games for those in our community. 

2. This is a camera-on game via Zoom. We still want to see faces and make this a safe environment for all participants. All players expected to do so with their camera on so everyone knows who's at the virtual table. And also, please mute your mic when you're not speaking, so everyone can be heard in turn. 

3. Be courteous, kind, and game with gusto! We play with the greatest players in the metro--whether they're newbies or old school game veterans. That said, we still expect everyone to behave accordingly. We know you've all been stuck inside for weeks--we're right there with you! Evildoers will be electronically shown the door. That's it really--be good to each other and have a heck of a time!

WHERE: Zoom Meeting 
WHEN: Saturday, April 18 at 6 p.m. sharp

Questions? Here's an FAQ:

How will I join the game? 

We've got 5 seats open and it's first come, first served. We'll notify the first 5 participants via email and include a Zoom link for Saturday. THIS IS YOUR TICKET. Do not share it with anyone. Which bring up another question.

What if I don't know much about Zoom or online games?

You're in luck! We'll have GM Jen on hand to do a quick primer on Zoom for those who've not tried it out. So no worries, cadet!

Do I need to bring anything?

Actually yes, make sure you've got some earbuds or headphones to plug into your computer. You'll also need a broadband connection to play. If your connection is too slow for you to keep up, we may need to drop you from the game to keep it from effecting other players. Just so you know. Oh--and you don't need dice, but if you have the usual assortment of polyhedrals, it's never a bad idea.

What if I'm late?

We were happy to accommodate players who showed up late to the table when we ran in-person games. For everyone's security and safety, we'll be closing the game room by 6:15. This reduces our risk of having someone Zoombomb in. So, short answer: DON'T BE LATE.

Can I bring my friends? 

Sorry, but no. This one hurts us as much as you because it's what made SNSO so inviting. But if you get into the game (see below) you'll get a link to play via Zoom. If you share that link, you've essentially made it impossible for us to run a safe game, so you and your pal won't be able to play. 

How will I choose a character?

Those that have gamed with us before know that we always provide pre-generated characters or character templates to choose from. It helps us get right to the gaming part of the gaming! Once you're in the online Zoom meeting, we'll share character options in Zoom's chat window and you can choose from there. 

How will I roll dice?

Currently, the plan is to use a companion app. The GM may roll all the rolls on-screen just to keep things honest. We thought about the honor system as a back up--and it may come to that. But we'll do our best to keep things as transparent as possible. 

Will there be more games?

You bet there will! We've got a bunch of GMs waiting in the hangar bays to run more RPGs via online face-to-face apps. Watch for more updates, coming soon!