
Friday, March 27, 2020

SNSO Games Postponed

Hi folks, we wanted to share the news that we'll be suspending games until the foreseeable future due to threat of the coronavirus. Governor of the great state of Minnesota, Tim Walz, has issued a Stay At Home order, restricting all non-essential activities and social functions. We're happy to comply with this. 
The Source officially closed their game room on March 12 and have just announced the closing of the store for the next few weeks. We support their decision to do so--it's the right call to protect their customers, staff, and the geeky community at large. We wish them the very best through these strange times and hope everyone comes through this safely. 

SNSO is exploring other options, including online games. But at the moment, we're taking time to social distance, spend time with our loved ones, and just practice self care. We miss you all and hope you and yours are doing as best you can.

With any luck, we'll all make it through this and be back at the tables to roll funny dice in exciting scifi games soon enough! 

For more on the virus, how to stay safe, and what to do if you think you've caught it, visit the CDC's website.

Stay healthy, wash your hands, and keep social distancing!