
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Did you get one of these figure packs?

If you were at Tabletop Tesseract this past weekend or happened to stop by Source Comics and Games recently you might have picked up this figure pack. Well, CONGRATS space ranger--this is your official invite to come play sci-fi RPGs with us for FREE!

We run one-shot adventures for all kinds of games, the Second Saturday at the Source (say that five times fast!). You might recognize some of them as the Galaxy Laser Team, space "army man" style figures.

Get a free tabletop wargame for your minis!

Sign up to get updates from us via the Become a Member page, and you'll get a download link for MAD ASTRA, an open-license, space wargame to play with your minis!

It's quick and easy and you get it all for free!!

Saturday, October 14, 2017


How's your reflexes? Are you faster than an android? You're about to get the chance to test your skills as you travel to one of the newest parks from the creators of Westworld! We've got TWO new "worlds" of Delos to explore--one set during the time of Musketeers in medieval France, the other in the far future!


Congratulations! You are one of the lucky winners of several admissions to the grand opening of Delos Corporations newest world! Take a month off that drab desk job and discover who you can be in the vacation of a lifetime!


Welcome to the time of absolute monarchs, radical peasant revolutions, musketeers, duels of honor, Mozart, gendarmes with swords in the street, horse drawn carriages, and a simpler pastoral existence in the countryside.
Game System: Fate Accelerated
GM: Patrick Schifano


Wealthy vacationers at Futureworld find terror and intrigue when one of their own is brutally murdered at Delos' high tech park. 
Game System: Traveller
GM: Matt Towle

6:00 pm / Saturday, November 11
Source Comics + Games

Click the image below to RSVP directly on our Google Plus Event page!

Robot rebellions notwithstanding, the game's tone and material will be appropriate to public setting.

  • BYO dice if you like (we'll have some on hand)!
  • Pre-generated characters provided!
  • No prior experience needed!
  • This is a FREE event!


By entering a DELOS Theme Park you agree to the following Terms and Conditions.  

DELOS Entertainment LLC shall remain blameless of any occurrence while in attendance at a DELOS World park experience. This includes the possibility of the following side effects: burns, dismemberment, cardiac arrest, partial or total memory loss, loss of consciousness, loss of vision, loss of hearing, loss of taste or smell, severe psychological trauma, hay fever, dry mouth, and/or immolation.

Although DELOS engineers make every effort to wipe all robotic host memory drives on a daily basis, not all memory banks may be 100% clear, leading to possibly more severe side effects, including: robot revolt, injury or death due to firearms, including energy weapons or musket fire; injury or death due to piercing with sharp or edged weapon, falling from an elevated height atop French period architecture, trebuchet, or air speeder vehicle; stomping by horse; beheaded by guillotine; exploded by kegs of gunpowder or plasma grenade, de-atomized by particle beam weaponry, suffocated in a vacuum, psionic trauma or permanent cognitive damage; and/or nose bleeds.

Attorneys for DELOS Entertainment LLC highly recommend buyers purchase Automaton Negligence Insurance Coverage in the event that any of the above conditions should occur.  

We at DELOS look forward to seeing you soon and hope you enjoy your stay!