
Sunday, July 23, 2017

August is a Mutant Mashup: EPSILON CITY BLUES!

August tabletops are HEATING UP, but it's not the seasons--it's the RADIATION! We've got a special treat--two in fact--a mashup of old and new mutant mayhem: Metamorphosis Alpha and Mutant Crawl Classics! Goodman games has brought the former RPG back from the brink and the latter one is their own mutation, based on the hit Dungeon Crawl Classics! GM Matt Towle leads your party on a wasteland quest.

Your tribe has been at peace with the Wolfoids for years. Now, all that has changed. Can your tribe survive the Blue Plague? Can you discover the identity of the God Who Screams? Can you even figure out how to use the elevator? Grab your wooden spear and your glow-balls, it's time for EPSILON CITY BLUES...
6:00 pm / Saturday, August 12
Source Comics + Games
Adventure awaits: RSVP now!

You also can RSVP on the SNSO Google+ Community page. Click the image below:


Friday, July 7, 2017

SNSO is now on the SECOND Saturday of the Month!

We're moving ONE WEEK INTO THE FUTURE! After chatting it over with our main location sponsor, Source Comics & Games, we're now moving our regular Saturday Night Space Opera slot one week later in the month.

This helps us avoid conflicts with holidays and big events at the store, such as when New Year's Eve, Fourth of July, or Free Comic Book Day fall on a game night.

We also have the chance to reach more players with Family Board Game Night on the same evening of the month.'s never been easier to remember, because: alliteration.

So adjust your calendars and flux capacitors--we're on for Second Saturdays at The Source!

Image: Warner Bros.