
Friday, August 26, 2016

September SNSO pushed to September 10

Due to the upcoming Labor Day weekend, we'll be moving our regularly scheduled first-Saturday game to the following weekend, Saturday, September 10. Stay tuned for the complete announcement and adventure info!

Monday, August 1, 2016

August: Fight to save reality itself from the WATCHER IN THE STARS!

Game Master Jenifer Doll is back with more incredible interstellar intrigue! Join us in the battle to make reality safe for humanity in a new, original adventure: WATCHER IN THE STARS! She's running the easy-to-learn Cypher System from Monte Cook Games. Here's her mission brief:
How do you fight an enemy that is woven into the fabric of reality itself? The ruins of an ancient alien civilization may hold the answer, but time is running out and salvation remains elusive. Play as a cybernetic warrior, sentient AI, digital alien, or mysterious ‘resonant’. Join humanity in it’s darkest hour and fight for your right to exist!
6:30 pm / Saturday, August 6
Source Comics + Games
RSVP now and let us know you're coming!

You also can RSVP on the SNSO Google+ Community page. (Click image)
  • BYO dice (d6, 2d10, and d20)
  • Pre-generated character templates
  • No prior experience with Cypher rules necessary
  • Check out this free preview of Cypher rules

    Illustration: Jenifer Doll